January 31, 2025
Breaking News

Eccentric Block Structure Of The Vibrator Is Easy To Manufacture

Eccentric block structure of the vibrator is easy to manufacture



Vibrators installed on the ironing board shown in Figure 2, the vibration axis is mounted in a bearing housing, bearing fixed in the ironing board, and the vibrating screed axis of rotation in the bearing, vibration shaft with eccentric eccentric shaft or round axis. Eccentric role, high-speed rotation of the vibration axis will produce centrifugal force so that the screed vibration, vibration compacting effect on the mixture.

Eccentric block structure of the vibrator is easy to manufacture, installation and adjustment, but its installation position by the size limitations of the screed box structure, the radial size of the eccentric block can not be too large, so the eccentricity of the eccentric mass and the size of the exciting force by limit. In recent years, with the paving layer density and mechanical manufacturing technology improves, the vibrator in the form of eccentric shaft structure (Figure 3) are more common, especially ironing board length greater than 500mm paragraphs vibrator. Eccentric mass of the structure of the eccentric block structure should be uniform along the lateral distribution of the screed. Vibrator installed in the ironing board, its installation position has some influence on the vibration properties of the screed, on the one hand by the installation space constraints, on the other hand, it can not interfere with each other and vibrators. Its installation position has a direct impact on the quality of the operation of the screed. For vibrating body, the role of the exciting force point in the center of mass position, relative to the centroid of the excitation torque is zero, the vibration body steady-state vibration intensity. For screed, the total excitation force is acting upon the screed centroid position, the bottom of the screed in contact with the paving material is smooth, medium force acting on a stable, good quality paving. Shown in Figure 4, the working process of the paver screed plate of uniform motion, the inertia force of the vibrating bodies at point A by the arm traction F F1, F2, screed, paver layer medium screed, mobile resistance R , the reaction force N acting on the screed centroid C of gravity G,, paving layer media, the eccentric mass m to the eccentricity e around the point B rotation of the exciting force to force the screed involved in vibration. When the center of rotation B of the exciting force (ie, the installation location of the vibrator) coincide with the the screed overall centroid, inertia force of the vibrating bodies to achieve dynamic equilibrium. Due to iron out the basic symmetry about the board, the installation position of the vibrating screed by the level of point B in the figure the relative coordinates and vertical relative coordinates to determine the vibrator installation location in the vertical direction on the paving quality, therefore, the vibrator the optimal installation location by the ironing board before and after the location decision.

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